Ste Entreprise Travaux Publics & Terrassement


Execution of a water storage basin in Bir Mcherga -Zaghouan

  • Execution of a water storage basin with a capacity of 5000 m3:
    • Topographic survey, execution, embankment and compaction.
    • Supply, transport and installation for the waterproofification of Geomembrane in HDPE of thickness 1.5mm of dimension 8.0m X 110m
      Brand: ROWAD,
      Product: HDS 1,5mm,
      Origin: KSA
    • Supply and transport of geotextile S13NW (150gr / m²) 880m² (2 rolls of 5,4m X 100m)
      Brand: THRACE NG
      Product: Geotextile
      Origin: Greek

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